Company Registrations

Incorporation Date : 13 May 2016
Company’s Category : Private Limited Company
C.I.N : U74999WB2016PTC215741
P.A.N : AAXCS0454Q
G.S.T. : 9AAXCS0454Q1ZB
E.P.F Code No. : WBPRB1490767
E.S.I Code No. : 41000634010001018
Trade Licence (C.E.No.) : 010301064464
Shop & Establishment : KL03842N2020000025
P.S.A.R.A Registration No. : 58/WB/PSA/2018
M.S.M.E (Udyog Aadhar) : WB10D0023166
I.S.O. 9000:2015 Cert No. : 19AACO1132Q


1. A custom plan is made for each assignment taken up by us. We customise our services to fulfil the client’s requirements to the fullest.

2. Our field officers visit our locations regularly and coordinate with our unit in charge to provide on the spot suggestions and arrange for efficient liaison.

3. An intelligence network is organized which regularly give us pre-warning of incidences relating to theft, pilferage and sabotage. It has been very effective in controlling anti-management propaganda and identifying the miscreants.

4. For effective check on material management, special emphasis is laid on counter checking and verifying the qualitative and quantitative arrivals and dispatches.

5. With the introduction of electronic equipment in security systems have seen a vital change it has helped in reduction of human errors and made record easier to make and scrutinize. CCTV and other specialized equipment’s help us in watching difficult areas without interfering the normal work and leaving an impact that miscreants are under watch all the time. We introduce, implement and use such devices.